3M™ DI-NOC™ and 3M™ FASARA™

Request a 3M™ DI-NOC™ or 3M™ Glass Finishes Sample

Experience the difference with 3M™ DI-NOC™ and 3M™ FASARA™

Be inspired by all the possibilities 3M architectural finishes can offer. Transform your interior and make your design dream a reality. Not sure which product suits your space? Request up to 5 free A4-sized samples to determine your preferred texture and colour.

Just follow these three easy steps:

1.  Need a visual reference? Click on the 3M™ DI-NOC™ Sample Book to view architecture finishes, and 3M™ Glass Finishes Sample Book for the glass finishes. Choose at least five products that fit your needs.

2. Select their corresponding product range, design category, and pattern name from the dropdown list. You can select up to a maximum of 5 product samples.

3. Fill in your contact details below to complete your request.

Applicable to commercial requests only.

  • Please note that sample requests are subject to approval and are intended for the purpose of commercial evaluation.

    All fields are required unless indicated optional

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