Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Hazards, PPE Solutions and Consultation

3M understands the unique challenges- of protecting workers in pharmaceutical manufacturing processes. 3M provides PPE solutions for primary pharmaceutical manufacturing applications, including API handling, cleaning and disinfecting, and confined spaces. Our products are designed to help protect workers from a variety of hazards such as chemical exposure, respiratory risks and noise. 3M specialists work closely with customers and regulatory and standards groups around the world to develop innovate safety solutions tailored to your specific needs. 

worker wearing a papr hood cleaning a room
Managing chemical hazards and exposure risks safely​

Find information about hazards, PPE solutions designed to protect workers and request an obligation-free consultation with 3M specialist.

Safety measures to adopt when using Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API)

Safety when working with disinfectants and cleaning agentsy safe when using disinfectants and cleaning agents

Stay safe in confined spaces

How to prevent hearing loss

PPE Solutions for Addressing Key Needs of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Online Educational Courses | Safety Basics in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

  • computer, tablet, mobile icons
    Introduction to Hazards and PPE Selection

    In part one of this two-part webinar, Kathy Thompson, Certified Industrial Hygienist with 3M Personal Safety Division, will introduce safety and health basic understanding of hazards and PPE. This 15-minute presentation will review:

    • overview of chemical hazard determination & identifying hazardous chemicals
    • deeper dive into safety data sheets
    • connect hazard info to PPE
    • introduction to key regulation for PPE selection


    In part two of this two-part webinar, Kathy Thompson, Certified Industrial Hygienist with 3M Personal Safety Division, will review fundamentals of conducting exposure assessment. This 15-minute presentation will review:

    OELs, OEBs and exposure assessment process

    • overview of occupation exposure limits (OELs)
    • review elements of occupational exposure banding (OEBs), also known as control banding
    • process considerations for exposure assessment
    • apply learnings in pharmaceutical chemical example